Canadian Consular Services

Canadian EmbassyIf you are a Canadian abroad and you need the services of a public notary. The Canadian Embassy provides Canadian consular services then you can go to any Canadian Embassy for assistance. This is part of what is called consular services which they render as a service to Canadian while abroad. This is not free and there are fees to pay.

Canadian Consular Services

Canadian Consular ServicesNotary services

Note that Consular Officers can execute affidavits and statutory declarations for use in Canada. However they cannot draft legal documents for you. When you do arrive at the Canadian embassy while abroad you need to identify yourself. This either with your Canadian passport or with a citizenship certificate. These are small but very common documents which are done.

Certified copies

The Canadian consular staff can certify only true copies of the original Canadian documents. Such as your birth certificate, marriage certificate or death certificates. You will need to present yourself at the Canadian consulate with the original document(s) and your passport or a citizenship card. This is what Canadian consular services would entail.

Certificate of Non Impediment to Marriage

The marriage laws of some countries require that before you may marry within their jurisdiction. You need to produce a “Certificate of Non impediment to Marriage” issued by the authorities of your country. This is also called a letter of affirmation in certain countries. This is normally an overnight process and if you are a widow or divorced you need to bring the original certificates with you before this letter is normally issued.

Notarial Document Templates Examples

Certificate of Non Impediment to Marriage

The Embassy or High Commission can also assist you by contacting your family if you have been in an accident or arrested. This while in a foreign country. They cannot offer any other service than to provide information an act as a bridge between you and your family.



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